Death & Dying
So last week was very bad 4 me, even though it was IAW at uni, i didnt wanna spend any time there. All i wanned to do is wander, to where - i dont know, when - i dont know, how - i dont know, i felt so lost. I just needed some time out, or i thought. But after today I realise what i was lacking. I was lacking spiritual awakening. Subhanallah, I becamse so ignorant of Allah (SWT) and I know thats the case when I start doing things i usually wouldnt do, little things that build up to big things. Anyway, today insha Allah (and alhamdulillah) i overcame that, mainly due to the Daar Aisha 1 day course on Death and Dying. To those who didnt go, let me tell you, u missed one of the most thought-provoking talks ever!
I took notes of the session and some of the things we learnt were so amazing! If anyone wants to read it lemme no and i'll type it up and email u insha Allah. It's well worth a read, i went teary through most of the talk. Ami mon theke dua kori for the sister who ran the course that Allah (SWT) grants her and her family peace in this world and peace in the next insha Allah. Ameen.