All Hearts are dead except those with knowledge... All those with knowledge are asleep except those who perform good actions... All those who perform good actions are deceived except those with sincerity... And all those with sincerity are in a constant state of anxiety... [Imam Shafi'i]

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

A tough riddle...

Eighty percent of Kindergartners solved this riddle, but only 5% of Stanford graduates figured it out!

Can you answer the following question?

What word...

1. has seven letters...

2. Preceded God...

3. Greater than God...

4. More Evil than the devil...

5. All poor people have it...

6. Wealthy people need it...

7. If you eat it, - you will die!

Did you figure it out?
Try hard before looking at the answers - - - Did you get it yet??
- - - - Give up?
The Answer is:


NOTHING has 7 letters

NOTHING preceded God

NOTHING is greater than God

NOTHING is more Evil than the devil

All poor people have NOTHING

Wealthy people need NOTHING

If you eat NOTHING, you will die

Don't feel bad - I have to admit that I couldn't solve it either and had to look at the answers.


Blogger L said...

omg tahts really clever!!

7:14 pm

Blogger maya said...

i said nothing, when it came to whats bigger than god. but never thought that it would be the ans.

9:36 am

Blogger eccentric_human said...

ha ha ha...i echo maliha.

4:21 pm

Blogger Aaisha said...

I feel dumb =(

6:29 pm

Blogger maya said...

i spent about 5 min just thinking about it. couldnt get it. then i asked anika. she got it in 2 seconds, just like that. weird huh?

3:34 am

Blogger flynn.t said...

I'm glad I'm in league with the Stanford grads. rather than the kindies ;D

5:26 pm

Blogger Emu said...

!!!Well, I'll be!!!
!!!I'm stumped!!!

7:50 pm

Blogger Aaisha said...

Wow, anika got it in e seconds! the stats are rite then! Younger kids can get it so much easier. Us oldies like to make things complex - not a good idea.

4:21 pm

Blogger Emu said...

oi peachy, koi gela?

9:15 pm


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